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Updated: Jul 11, 2019

Tooro kingdom is worldly known because it’s the only kingdom with youngest king in the whole world. Toro kingdom covers 5 districts of kyegegwa, kyenjojo, Kabarole, Ntoroko and Kamwenge. The palace is located in fort portal town on Karuzika hill as your heading to Kasese.

The Batembuzi Dynasty

The first kings were of the Batembuzi dynasty. Batembuzi means harbingers or pioneers. The Batembuzi and their reign are not well documented, and are surrounded by a lot of myth and oral legend. There is very little concurrence among scholars regarding the Batembuzi time period in history, even the names and successive order of individual kings. It is believed that their reign dates back to the height of Africa's bronze age. The number of individual Batembuzi reigns, as given by different scholars, ranges from nine to twenty-one.

The Bacweezi Dynasty

The Bacweezi are credited with the founding of the ancient empire of Kitara; which included areas of present day central, western, and southern Uganda; northern Tanzania, western Kenya, and eastern Congo. Very little is documented about them. Their entire reign was shrouded in mystery, so much so that they were accorded the status of demi gods and worshiped by various clans. Many traditional gods in Tooro, Bunyoro and Buganda have typical kicweezi (adjective) names like Ndahura, Mulindwa, Wamara, Kagoro, etc.

The bacweezi dynasty must have been very short, as supported by only three names of kings documented by historians. The bacweezi kings were Ndahura, Mulindwa and Wamara; in this order.

In addition to founding the empire of Kitara, the bacweezi are further credited with the introduction of the unique, long-horned cattle, coffee growing, iron smelting, and the first semblance of organized and centralized government, under the king.

No one knows what happened to the Bacweezi. About their disappearence, there is no shortage of colorful legend. One legend claims that they migrated westward and disappeared into Lake Mwitanzige (Albert). Another legend has them disappearing into lake Wamala, which bears the name of the last king of the dynasty. There is a popular belief among scholars that they simply got assimilated into the indigenous populace, and are, today, the tribal groups like the Bahima of Ankole and the Batutsi of Rwanda. The bahima and Batutsi have the elegant, tall build and light complexion of the bacweezi, and are traditionally herders of the long-horned Ankole cattle.

The Babiito Dynasty

The bacweezi dynasty was followed by the Babiito dynasty. Toro kingdom was, and still is, under the Babiito dynasty. Any attempt to pinpoint the dates of this or any other dynasty before it is pure conjecture, as there were no written records at the time. Modern day historians place the beginning of the Babiito dynasty at around the time of the invasion of Bunyoro by the Luo from the North. The first mubiito (singular) king was Isingoma Mpuuga Rukidi I, whose reign is placed around the 14th century. To date, there have been a total of 33 Babiito kings, including 7 princes who, for one reason or another, were not referred to as omukama (king).

The Kingdom of Tooro

The kingdom of Tooro, of the Babito dynasty, aptly claims its rightful origins in the ancient empire of Kitara. The first son of Omukama Kyebambe III of Bunyoro rebelled and annexed the southern part of his father's kingdom, forming his own kingdom. He placed the northern border of his new kingdom at River Muziizi. The kingdom of Tooro was born, under the reign of Rukirabasaija Omukama Kaboyo Kasunsunkwanzi Olimi I.

Following the death of Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I, there followed several other kings and princes on the Tooro throne. Some of them reigned for very short periods of time, during which they were still referred to as "Omubiito" (prince) , not by the right title of "Rukirabasaija Omukama". When we include such princes, the number of Batooro kings comes to 8. The present Omukama is Rukirabasaija Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV. A brief write up on each Omukama follows. It should be noted here that the numerical denotation of kings of Tooro takes off from the list of Bunyoro kings, before Tooro broke away. This is why, for instance, while there have been a total of two kings with the name Olimi on the Tooro throne, Omukama Patrick Matthew Kaboyo Olimi was Olimi VII.

Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I

Prince Kaboyo was the first son of Omukama Kyebambe III of Kitara. He rebelled and annexed the southern part of his father's kingdom which he declared an independent kingdom of Toro. He had visited Tooro several times, to collect taxes for his father and check on the royal herds. He was taken by Toro’s beauty and the friendly way he was received by the Batooro. He befriended a number of influential men in Tooro, who later played a key role in the success of his annexation scheme.

Kaboyo's sisters, princesses Mpanga and Batebe, who then lived in Tooro, caught wind of their brother's plan to rebel. They reported this to their father, Omukama Kyebambe, who went into denial and refused to believe that his beloved son would do such a thing. The rebel prince asked for and obtained his father's permission to return to Tooro, under the pretext that the wife he had left in Tooro was expecting twins, and that he needed to return and be by her side. This is when he finalized his breaking away plan and never returned to Bunyoro. When his father died, the people of Bunyoro sent for Kaboyo to return and accede his father's throne. He refused saying he had his own people to look after in Tooro.

Omubiito (Prince) Kazaana Ruhaga

Prince Kazaana Ruhaga succeeded his father, Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I; but his reign was very short lived. He was overthrown by his brother, Omubiito Nyaika Kasunga, who became Omukama.

Omukama (King) Nyaika Kasunga

He claimed the Toro throne after overthrowing his brother, Omubiito Kazaana Ruhaga. His reign was ended when his brother, Omubiito Kato Rukidi, with the help of an army given to him by the Kabaka (King) of Buganda, managed to overthrow him. He fled to nearby Mboga, in Congo, while his brother Kato Rukidi took over the throne.

Omubiito (Prince) Kato Rukidi

He overthrew his brother, Omukama Nyaika Kasunga and claimed the throne for himself. When Nyaika Kasunga, then exiled in Mboga, heard that the mercenaries who had helped his brother, Kato Rukidi, to overthrow him had returned to Buganda, he returned and retook his throne; becoming Omukama for the second time.

Omukama (King) Nyaika Kasunga's Second Reign

Having retaken the throne from his rebel brother, Omubiito Kato Rukidi, Omukama Nyaika Kasunga made the mistake of offending Omukama Cwa Kabalega of Bunyoro. Nyaika Kasunga sent his men to Mwenge with orders to capture for him some of Kabalega's royal cows.

Omukama Kabalega was angered by this action, and he sent his men with orders to capture Nyaika Kasunga and bring him to his court in Bunyoro. The expedition to capture Nyaika included 40 ruthless, nubian marcenaries. Omukama Nyaika Kasunga was able to defeat the invading force. He died two years later, and was succeeded by his son, Omubiito Olimi Mukabirere.

Omubiito (Prince) Mukabirere Olimi II

He succeeded his father, Nyaika Kasunga. Shortly after his accession to the throne, Omukama Kabalega of Kitara sent an army to defeat Olimi II and bring an end to the secessionist kingdom of Tooro altogether.

Kabalega's army arrived in Tooro in the middle of internal strife. A rebel prince, Mukarusa, had annexed the beautiful area of Busongora, in the southern end of Tooro kingdom, and declared himself king over it. Omukama Olimi II, already weak from trying to fight Omubiito Mukarusa, was easily captured, with several other members of the Tooro royal family, and forcibly taken away to Bunyoro.

Realizing Kabalega's determination to totally put an end to Tooro kingdom, the leaders of the Babito clan, in Tooro, decided to send Olimi's son and heir, Prince Kasagama and his younger brother to Ankole, saving them from the wrath of Kabalega.

Omubiito (Prince) Mukarusa

Omubiito Mukarusa, who had annexed part of his brother Mukabirere's kingdom did not escape the mighty Kabalega, who was determined to finish off all rebel princes. His capture shortly followed that of his brother, and he, too, was taken to Bunyoro. He was, therefore, the last of the rebel princes. Kabalega had, finally, succeeded in regaining the breakaway kingdom of Tooro and bringing the land back to Kitara where it belonged. He proceeded to subdivide Tooro into the old administrative areas that existed during the days of his grandfather, Omukama Kyebambe III.

Omubiito (Prince) Nyamuyonjo Kakende

In chronicling efforts by various parties to rid Toro of Kabalega's harassment, we cannot forget the valiant effort of prince Nyamuyonjo Kakende, grandson of Omukama Kaboyo Olimi I. With the help of an army given to him by the Kabaka of Buganda, Omubiito Kakende was able to drive Kabalega's army out of Tooro, and declare himself Omukama. Kabalega was not prepared to tolerate another rebel prince in Tooro. He sent an expedition against Prince Kakende. The prince was forced to flee to Buganda, where he later died of small pox.

The Final Defeat of Kabalega

Kabalega's constant harassment of Tooro ended on August 14, 1891, when he was defeated by Captain Lugard, an agent of the then Imperial British East African Company. Lugard brought with him several nubian mercenaries to help him accomplish his task. The descendants of these Nubians form Toro’s nubian community, that is present to this day. Captain Lugard was, therefore, instrumental in returning Tooro kingdom to its rightful heir, Omubiito (Prince) Kasagama; who became Omukama Daudi Kyebambe Kasagama, M.B.E., Tooro's first modern day Omukama.

Omukama Daudi Kyebambe Kasagama, M.B.E.

Omukama Kasagama is credited with making the final break from the clutches of Kabalega of Kitara, and with leading Tooro into the modern colonial era. He had regained his father's kingdom with the help of Europeans, whom he welcomed as friends. He cooperated with the white colonial rulers and was open minded enough to even try some of their ways, like schooling and Christianity.

Omukama Kyebambe Kasagama was respected and honored by both local and colonial governments. Queen Victoria honored him with a special medal emblazoned with his name. This was in appreciation for Kasagama's refusal to join forces with nubian soldiers who had started a rising against the colonial government.

In the year 1900, Omukama Kyebambe Kasagama signed an agreement with Sir. H. Johnston, making Tooro part of the British Protectorate. It was in a true spirit of patriotism, therefore, that during the First World War, he sent a battalion of young Batooro soldiers to fight on the allies side. For this patriotic sacrifice, Omukama Daudi Kyebambe Kasagama was awarded the order of M.B.E. by H.M. King George VI of England.

Omukama Kyebambe Kasagama is still remembered for embracing peace within his kingdom and with Tooro's neighbors. He allowed all religious faiths to flourish, and he became a Christian in the year 1896. He encouraged his chiefs to send their children to school, to discover the white man's secrets, and set an example by sending his own two sons, princes Hosea Nyabongo and George Rukidi to school. Prince Nyabongo went on to excel academically and become one of the world's best educated individuals.

Omukama George Kamurasi Rukidi III

Prince George Kamurasi succeeded his father, Daudi Kyebambe Kasagama, as Omukama of Tooro on January 29, 1929. His people praised him as "Ruraihya n'emundu, emanzi ya Kyebambe" (He who sleeps among guns, the brave one of Kyebambe) because of his distinguished service in the King's African Rifles (K.A.R.), during the Second World War; where he earned the rank of lieutenant. He was later knitted by Queen Elizabeth II, and became popularly known as Sir George by his many friends at home and abroad.

Omukama Rukidi III supported education and encouraged all Batooro to send their children to school. During his reign, his government gave scholarships to all Batooro attending higher secondary school. One of his own children, Princess Elizabeth Bagaaya, went on to become the third African woman to ever graduate from the prestigious Cambridge University. She earned a law degree and was admitted to the English bar.

Omukama Patrick Matthew Kaboyo Olimi VII

Omukama Rukidi III passed away in 1965 and was succeeded by his son, Prince Patrick Matthew Kaboyo Olimi VII. Omukama Olimi VII had two very sort reigns. His first reign was terminated in 1967, when then Prime Minister Apollo Milton Obote abrogated the constitution and made Uganda a republic with himself as president. When the N.R.M. government of President Yoweri K Museveni reinstated the institution of king in 1993, Patrick Kaboyo became Omukama of Tooro for the second time, but his second reign was very short. He suddenly passed away in 1995, and was succeeded by his three and a half years old son, Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV.





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